CADDEN’s Technical Day 2024
Attend workshops and conferences to discover the latest technological innovations.
After several years of development to best meet the needs of professional marine pilots, the ANANAS PPU finally sees the light of day and will be commercially available by March 2023. More compact and lighter than the first BANANAS version, the performance of the ANANAS PPU is not outdone as it is also wireless with GNSS antennas directly integrated in the box to provide pilots with accurate heading, ROT, COG and SOG.
The two major new features of the ANANAS innovation are water resistance and buoyancy, a real breakthrough in the PPU market. ANANAS is a waterproof berthing and navigation system designed to be water resistant. It is particularly well adapted to humid environments such as subtropical areas.
With a weight of less than 900 g and an ergonomic shape for easy handling, ANAANAS has been designed for quick and easy use. It takes only a few minutes to install it on a vessel (using several mounting options) and get it up and running. It is supplied with a waterproof carry-on bag and can be used in all means of transportation worldwide.
Depending on the navigation software selected, Qastor or SEAiq for example, the user directly imports the bathymetric background maps obtained upstream using dedicated bathymetry systems that are compact and easy to use:
Pilots can thus be sure that their navigation software has a map with up-to-date bathymetric data, a guarantee of safety when berthing their vessels.
The ANANAS navigation and berthing assistance system was conceived and designed by CADDEN’S R&D department. From design to choice of materials, the Nantes-based company has made the choice to give preference to local players, the majority of suppliers being based in the Pays de la Loire region.
The term PPU comes from the acronym “Portable Pilot Unit”, it is a navigation and berthing assistance system dedicated to marine pilots. The PPU is designed to provide pilots with accurate real-time location and speed. Presented in the form of compact boxes, this system is placed on each side of the ship on the highest platform to receive GNSS signals and communicate with the ship’s instruments.
Attend workshops and conferences to discover the latest technological innovations.
Meet the CADDEN team at Oceanology International 2024.
Hoskin Scientific distributes the BALI bathymetry system.
Tous droits réservés – 2021-2023
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